Qtouch Audio

Wait For It 2



Todays transmission features new music from the a Qtouch album called Wait For It https://qtouchaudio.bandcamp.com/album/wait-for-it First up is: Mind Well https://qtouchaudio.bandcamp.com/track/mind-well Next is Nexus Collision https://qtouchaudio.bandcamp.com/track/nexus-collision And the final track for this transmission Petrichor https://qtouchaudio.bandcamp.com/track/petrichor Thank you for listening. ————————— You can subscibe to this podcast for more amazing music and vibrations. Also all the music is available on itunes, amazon and bandcamp.com. You can now purchase the entire catalog of Wizardnow and Qtouch at an amazing discount on Bandcamp.com. #Electronica #Ambient #Alternative #Soundhealing #SonicEnergy