Second Chair Leadership Podcast

Sheldon Wagner | UW-LaCrosse Athletic Training



Sheldon Wagner is a Certified Athletic Trainer and lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse where he also provides athletic training services and conducts research on concussion in sport. I’ve observed that Sheldon works with a high degree of integrity, is a second chair leader who has a high degree of influence on peoples’ lives. Show Notes Connect with Sheldon on LinkedIn or Twitter. Be sure to check out Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. BECOME A PATRON DONOR For more information on supporting the show CLICK HERE. A simple PayPal solution has been set up to keep this podcast a truly listener supported effort. WANT MORE FROM SECOND CHAIR LEADERSHIP PODCAST? SUBSCRIBE on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, search for the podcast on your favorite podcast app. WRITE A REVIEW. Leave an iTunes review. Reviews help other second chair leaders find us! FOLLOW on Instagram for updates and related information. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! Shoot me an email at secondchairpo