Emancipation Podcast Station

Episode 12 - Age of Empire



Welcome back to The Emancipation Podcast Station - the place to hear about history researched and retold through the eyes of Middle school and HS students. Last time on the show…   Today we discuss The age of empire. Let’s dive in. Was he a good president? Why or why not? William McKinley - Presidential Podcast  Gabe - McKinley was the 25th president of the united states he stayed in presidency until assassinated in his second term. He lead america to victory in the spanish american war and was the last president to be in the civil war he also was the only president in the war as an enlisted soldier He raised protective tariffs for the industries. He also maintained the gold standard and we cant even do that today.   Skylar - William mckinley was born January 29th, 1843 in Niles, Ohio. He was apart of the republican party. He became president on march 4th, 1897. While he was president the United States army won a few great wars, like Gabe said. After Mckinley served one term he was elected pre