Emancipation Podcast Station

002 - The Road to Revolution



Welcome back to The Emancipation Podcast Station - the place to hear about history researched and retold through the eyes of Middle school and HS students. The Road to Revolution   Seven Years War Blake-The seven years war is truly an interesting war. Many don’t realize that it was actually the first global or world war. As Ricky said the fighting actually began in 1754, however the English didn’t declare war on the French until 1756 so in actuality it is the Seven Years War. The cause of the war is pretty simple the English were obsessed with gaining the most land while the French were interested in the fur trade with the Native Americans. The English failed to gain control of the French fort “Fort  Duquesne” so the English prime minister decided this was a lack of military strength so he funded the military endeavor even more. This was a good idea at the time but later it was the main cause of the Revolutionary war because of the taxation he needed to pay back the debt. Ricky-The seven years war (m