Mart's World

Ep24: Dog Owners Are Terrible People



I have two of those horrible yappy little dogs living next to me and sometimes they are out in the garden just barking for ages, for no apparent reason. However, they are just doing what dogs do. I blame the owners. Why are they letting this happen? Let's discipline the owners first so that they can learn to control their dogs. I'm all for an eagle breeding program in Wales to solve the issue of these annoying little tyrants. Once a couple of tiny barkers have been snatched, other owners will keep their dogs inside and away from us decent people. I'm also annoyed at those that don't clean up after their pets when out in public places. Carl suggested we pick up the poo for them and then throw it at the owners. That sounds like a great idea to me. We've now started a Patreon page so you can come and join in the community and support the podcast.