Mart's World

Ep23: Game Of Thrones - What Did We Think?



Game of Thrones is finally over. Chris, Carl and myself discuss the whole series and especially season 8. I'm confused by the fact that the dragons did bugger all through the whole series and then suddenly, as if by magic, they can lay waste to everything in sight. It makes no sense. Also I thought the big battle with the White Walkers in episode 3 was pretty shit. The battle in episode 5 was much better, especially Cersei crying and getting crushed by rocks. My favourite scene was at the end of the last episode when they're all sitting around wondering who's going to be king. The dwarf is in handcuffs saying 'Don't pick me, I'll fuck it up'. Then they give the crown to the token disabled person. Ridiculous. We've now started a Patreon page so you can come and join in the community and support the podcast. I also wrote a Game of Thrones review on our Patreon page.