Peter Lorimer Podcast

The Secret Sauce / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast



You can reset your mind every. single. day. And it starts with gratitude. I'm a chronic optimist. Of course, darkness comes. That's why this is a skill. My early days of sobriety taught me to have gratitude. To love and be grateful for what's in front of me. Because life is full of surprises, some days start on a negative foot. So this next tip will give you the tools and mindset you need to power through that doom and gloom that happens from time to time. Start your day with writing down 10 things you are grateful for. This will reset your mind. The fact that you woke up in the United States of America will give you a handful of items right off the bat. We work as hard as we can, going in one direction with patience and energy and gratitude. It's a choice. It doesn't always come easy. And the reality is, you'll have adversity. Moments will be scary. But remember this: adversity is the cornerstone of success. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Starting out in real estate is grueling. When my wife an