
#107 - A Work Of Art



When you think about your favourite albums of all time, what first pops into your head? Is it the chorus that set you alight the first time you heard it? Is it the bonus track your mates didn't even know about but you did? Or is it, in fact, the artwork? We think it may well be the latter. For us it often is, anyway. Sleeve art can make or break a release, and a mistep in this area can lead to immediate rejection, no matter what glories lay within. Well for a while we've felt like we may be falling down in this area, like Tracks itself needed a little refresh. So we've given it one, put our (admittedly heavily stylised) faces right front and centre, and we're really happy with the results. So happy, in fact, that we're celebrating the fact with a whole episode on album artwork. Not the most obvious subject matter for an exclusively non-visual medium, but we like to do things differently around here. Big thumbs up to everyone who downloaded, and a big thumbs down to everyone who didn't. Until next week, Tim