12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Eugenia Kuzmina is a Russian-American actress, comedian and model /Ep 2877



" My two favorite words are adventure and fun. I’m not a typical Capricorn and I don’t have a normal birthday, it’s on Dec 25. I’ve always been one of those kids who doesn’t fit in the box. Early creative ideas caught my scientist parents and my early teachers by surprise, like the time I made bikinis out of soviet uniforms or snuck into a screening of “Terminator 2“ at five. In fact I was so blown away by it, I had to sneak in twice in a row. Let’s just say I’ve been feeling much happier pursuing professional ice skating than sitting at a school desk. Who cares about everyday training in -22F when you can feel that excitement of doing a live show on ice like “Red Riding Hood“, “Snow White“ . …The smell of freshly cleaned ice, the lights, the music bursting… And then came modeling. It’s not something you can pursue, just the look you have and the Russian designer Slava Zaitzev thought I had a look for his brand and a few others, like M&Ms (love chocolate) RC Cola (we went through 50 bottles shooting the c