12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Derek Lewis has helped business authors SHARE their BRILLIANCE with the world /Ep2846



I love reading great business books, but I love helping authors create them even more.When I was in high school, a Brazilian missionary lent me his tattered copy of Quest for the Best of Neiman-Marcus fame. Love at first read.As my friends gamed or read Stephen King, I devoured books on economics, entrepreneurs, titans of business, and more. Those influenced me to pursue a degree in economics, then a master’s in economic development where I wrote a thesis on microfinance from my fieldwork with Dominican loan sharks.After grad school, I landed a job in a consultancy managing nonprofits on behalf of their respective boards, first training micro-entrepreneurs through an economic development organization and then serving as the administrator for a program that sheltered and cared for teen mothers and their children.Upon returning to Louisiana, I worked as the in-house consultant for a $30 million family company group, spearheading new projects and even assuming responsibility of a $2 million company for months du