
The World is Alright, America



Read the headlines and you'd think the world is in chaos. American leaders have spent decades warning that the world is full of dangers, and that failing to address them – often at great expense in lives lost and dollars spent – could spell ruin for the United States. It's an odd refrain to hear from the most powerful nation on Earth, and as this week's guest argues, it's also inaccurate given that the world safer, freer and healthier than ever before. By playing up threats to America, is the U.S. is losing track of the more serious threats right in front of us? Helping us consider that question is: Michael A. Cohen, columnist, The Boston Globe, author, “Clear and Present Safety: The World Has Never Been Better and Why That Matters to Americans” If you enjoy this discussion, leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. To share feedback with us, send an email to wake@talkmedianews.com. Taped: April 8, 2019. Hosted by Luke Vargas.