
The EU's Controversial New Copyright Law



The E.U. passed sweeping new online copyright legislation this week known as Article 13, handing a victory to ‘content creators’ over platforms like YouTube and Facebook that monetize content. Big players in music, film and media love the law. Others fear a world in which corporate media strengthens its hand while independent creators find their content wrongly blocked by overly-cautious platforms whose new algorithms care little about fair use or free speech protections. This week on Wake we’ll look at the new rules that set out to tame the Wild West of online content. Helping us do that is this week's guest: Jens-Henrik Jeppesen, director for European affairs, Center for Democracy and Technology If you enjoy this discussion, follow Wake on Twitter @WakeOnAir. To share feedback with us, send an email to wake@talkmedianews.com. Taped: March 29, 2019. Hosted by Luke Vargas.