
39: What to Expect in Singapore



For months, President Trump built up expectations that North Korea’s nuclear program could be quickly negotiated away in historic talks with Kim Jong Un in Singapore. But expectations have since shifted to talk of an agreement to end the Korean war, and instead of asking for sanctions relief, North Korea says it wants security guarantees from the U.S. This week on Wake, we’ll try to cover as many angles of the Singapore talks as we can, from the evolving demands of the U.S. and North Korea, to the particular desires of China, South Korea and Japan looming just offstage. Helping us do that are this week's guests: Joe Cirincione, president, Ploughshares Fund Naoko Aoki, research associate, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) Sharon Squassoni, research professor, Institute for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs If you enjoy this discussion, follow Wake on Twitter @WakeOnAir. To share feedback with us,