
24: Can 'Impact Investing' Replace Charity?



U.S. stock market keep on hitting record highs. New technology promises to make us more connected, as medical breakthroughs raise hopes of better, longer lives. And yet by most accounts global wealth is as concentrated as ever. the psychological downsides of technology get more press than their benefits and expensive new drugs offer cures only if you can afford them. Something isn’t working. This week on Wake we’re looking at the promise and the limitations of 'impact investing, a new way to steer global capital toward social good. This week's expert panel features: Morgan Simon, author of the new book, “Real Impact: The New Economics of Social Change.” Michael Jacobs, director of the Commission on Economic Justice at the Institute for Public Policy Research in the United Kingdom. If you enjoy this discussion, please follow us on Twitter @WakeOnAir. To share feedback with us, send us an email to wake@talkmedianews.com. Recorded October 18, 2017.  Hosted by Luke Vargas.