
22: How to Better Regulate the Internet



Earlier this month, Facebook said it was handing over information about suspicious advertising purchases made on its network by Russian companies and individuals. The disclosure raises questions about whether the world’s largest social networks were used to influence the 2016 election. This week on “Wake” we’re going on a world tour of internet regulation, looking at how countries, including ours, are trying to balance competing interests of national security, privacy and free speech. Is such a balance even possible when internet and information companies like Facebook wield so much power? To help us answer that question are: Natasha Tusikov, Assistant Professor at York University and author of "Chokepoints: Global Private Regulation on the Internet" Alan McQuinn, research analyst at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation If you enjoy this discussion, please follow us on Twitter @WakeOnAir. To share feedback with us, send us an email to wake@talkmedianews.com. Recorded September 29, 2017.  H