12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

1969:Shlomo Fruend is an entrepreneur building his own future and destiny



Shlomo Fruend-   Shlomo Fruend: I'm an entrepreneur building my own future and destiny. I now live in Israel but have a location independent lifestyle with my family. So, we like to take long workstations. We just got back yesterday from 2 months in Portugal.    I lived in China 3 years ago and have a company there called AppInChina. Now I have a team that manages it and I started a new company called Free Financial Self where I help entrepreneurs reaching their financial goals and financial freedom.    I'm podcasting together with Mike Michelini on ChinaBusinessCast.com   www.FreeFinancialSelf.com - My current company www.AppInChina.co - My previous company  www.ChinaBusinessCast.com - Co-host , speaking about China Business www.StartupNoodle.com - My personal blog , everything entrepreneurship and China   Listen to another #12minconvo