Hull On Estates

Episode 57 - A Dutch Treat; Conflict of Laws and Estate Administration - Which Law Governs?



During Hull on Estates Episode #57, Justin de Vries and Megan Connolly discuss an ongoing client matter which has come out of the Netherlands.  This matter raises issues of conflict of laws, the Divorce Act, the Succession Law Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26, and dependant support claims. For more information on the conflict of laws, as it relates to this case, please see: McCallum v. Ryan Estate, [2002] O.J. No. 1088 (SCJ)Re Montizamber Estate, [1973] O.J. No. 1035 (SCJ)Smallman v. Smallman Estate, [1991] O.J. No. 1718 (OJC - Gen. Div.).