Ali Fitness Podcast

A Healthy, Primal Approach to the Keto Diet—with Lindsay Taylor - EP109



There is a lot of controversy and misunderstanding around the ketogenic diet. And the fact is, any diet that results the liver making ketones qualifies, whether it’s healthy or not. So, how do you sift through the information overload to integrate keto in a way that feels good to you? How do you get away from the value judgements and choose foods that get you closer to your health goals? How can you bring a primal approach to the keto diet, continue to enjoy healthy carbs AND achieve ketosis? An expert on the primal/paleo and ketogenic diets and lifestyle, Lindsay Taylor, PhD, serves as the Senior Writer and Researcher at Primal Blueprint Publishing. She coauthored The Keto Reset Diet Cookbook and The Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook with Mark Sisson and collaborated with Layla McGowan to write Keto Passport. A psychologist by training, Lindsay shares her expertise around mindset, goal-setting and lifestyle change to Mark’s Daily Apple and the Primal Blueprint Podcast. An avid ultrarunner and triathlete, she i