Ben Rosario Show

012 Dennis Barker



You have coached at every level you could coach at and recently retired from Team USA MN. Can you talk about that decision and recapping your time there? You had a lot of success with Team USA MN. What do you think lead to the amount of success you had? Was it team atmosphere, Minnesota or what were the factors? Where do you see the future of these post-collegiate groups in the next 5-10 years? You mentioned the loneliness of the long distance runner. You recently wrote a book The River Road, a novel during the runner boom of the early 70’s. Can you talk about the premise of the book? How was the training different for kids in the 70’s? - Jim Ryun trained like a swimmer. Talking about the 70’s and kids runners not getting injured like they do today. You are coaching 7-12th graders now. What has it been like to switch back from the post-collegiates to kids? You have some really young kids, how do you get the kids started and keep them healthy? Can you touch on your marathon philosophies and what worked where y