Ben Rosario Show

011 Tim Cox and Brent Tkaczyk



We wanted to get the co-coaches of Coe Brown, Tim Cox and Brent Tkaczyk, on because we wanted to talk to some small school coaches who are having success. Some of the issues smaller schools of 700 kids have a much bigger difference than a coach at a school with 3000 kids and huge teams You also have a unique coaching situation there and that is where I wanted to start.   If you could both introduce yourself, give us the 2-3 minute background on your personal running history and how you ended up coaching together.   You have a unique program with two coaches, who deals with more of the handling of the kids and pep talks?   When you took over the program it was smaller, how did you start building it?   You talk about doing a lot of fun running games. Can you give us some examples?   At a small school what do you do with recruiting to make sure you maintain a big enough team?   Last year in 2015 you tied for second at regionals of NXR, but were passed over for at-large. Did you use that as a motivator over the s