Stripcast: True Stories From A Stripper With A Phd

027: What Happened When My Student Came to The Club



What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about an incident that someone like me always worries about happening....your student from your English class discovers you naked on stage at the titty bar.    Has this ever happened to me? The answer is yes, on more than one occasion. Today, I’m going to talk to you about just one of those times.   People have certain expectations of stripper life and stripper consequences, and they are usually dire. Today, I'd like to play with some of these expectations, and compare them to my reality.   It’s complex.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at