Stripcast: True Stories From A Stripper With A Phd

019: He Looked Like Jesus



What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s story is about a man being nice to me. Today’s story is about PTSD….The kind of PTSD you get from moving through life  as a woman. The kind of PTSD that sex workers like myself perhaps deal with more than other women.  That deep distrust... of any man... doing anything for you... the distrust that his kindness must always have ulterior motives. Thinking always, what does he want? What is he gonna do to me?  But, you know, sometimes...they don’t want to do anything but be nice to you.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at