Homeless In San Diego

Go Out and Smile



On this episode of 'Homeless in San Diego: Real People, Real Stories,' host Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services, welcomes Robert and Judy. Here to share their story of overcoming alcoholism, they actually have a special connection to our organization. Now happily married and successful business owners, once upon a time they first met at Interfaith! Robert and Judy would have never imagined they would be in the position they are today. Years ago, Robert was suffering from alcoholism, caught up in the musician’s lifestyle, while Judy was a recent divorcee drinking away the pain of a failing marriage. After alcoholism severely crippled their life, they found a sense of peace and safety at Interfaith. They entered our addiction recovery services and graduated the programs; ensuring their path to regaining their lives. Now, fully sober and continuing their business ventures, they are enjoying life and awaiting Robert’s new position as a member on Interfaith’s board of directors. Glad to have you Robe