Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

DatC #044 - Why You Can't Worship Jesus Christ and Be Pagan with Sam Webster



Tonight we meet with former Columnist Sam Webster (now at The Wild Hunt) to talk about his controversial Patheos article "Why You Can't Worship Jesus Christ and Be Pagan," and other issues such as the superiority of Pagan theology, his concerns regarding the popular notion of building interfaith relationships, religious legitimacy, and his thoughts on what we need to be doing as Pagans to insure our religious future in the years to come. Sam is also the President and Executive Director of the Pantheon Foundation, whose mission is to provide organizational support for the practice of Pagan religion and the fostering of Pagan Ministry. To study the history, promote the culture, and advance the social welfare of Pagans and the Pagan community. Sam Webster, M. Div., Mage, hails from the Bay Area and has taught magick publicly since 1984. He graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley in 1993. He is now a PhD candidate at the University of Bristol, UK