Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

TI&TB #025 - Magical Identity



In this episode we have a revealing and compelling conversation with occult author Taylor Ellwood about his new book Magical Identity. How can we apply magic in relation to our identity and how does our identity relate to the practice of magick? In A Corner in the Occult, we learn about 20th century Hermetic teacher Franz Bardon. During his unusual life, the three books he published during his life, Initiation into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Qabbalah are said to be a complete course in magick. In The Essence of Magick we discuss magickal names. Found in many traditions and religions of the world, is the practice of taking on a new name. What is the essence of the magical name in relation to magick and the practitioner? Come and explore this topic with us. I also read listener email and have an announcement to make about the future of the podcast. We also have the pleasure of hearing the new song "Sirens" from our featured artist Olga Nunes, whose new album LAMP will b