Generous Change

Rethinking Reviews - 034



On day 1037, our 3-person start-up is just 2 months away from being three years old. We're doing grown-up business things like an 8-month review for our fabulous COO, Kelsey. Despite Kelsey's dislike of reviews, we all recognized the power of this one for our company. After many of the scariest months in our lives and the life of this business, we spent hours discussing where we've been, where we are now and where we're going. If you despise reviews - giving them or getting them - try using any of these thought-provoking questions to make your next review motivating, fulfilling and energizing. Proudest success so far?  Up to 3 ways you've grown? How? When?  Where do you most want to grow in the next 6 months? How? Why?  Biggest surprise (other than the obvious pandemic)?  Toughest challenge? Why? How you will/want to overcome it?  One thing you just plain dislike? Why? How could it be better?  Biggest fear? When does it most often pop up? What helps to allay that fear?  Your most favorite-ist thing/moment i