It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

Recircle Recycling with Aldous Hicks



Welcome to the It’s Electric podcast hosted by Afeez Kay. Each week Afeez features an amazing guest and discusses with them clean energy and electric vehicles. One of the amazing things about the It’s Electric show is that it doesn’t matter if you’re new to electric vehicles or if you’ve been involved with the scene for years. The conversational tone doesn’t turn anyone away. Afeez and his guests often discuss different brands, makes, and models of vehicles as well as the pros and cons for each. You can rest assured if you’re getting an opinion from Afeez, it’s not based on one or two rides. In this episode, Afeez speaks with Aldous Hicks, C.E.O and founder of ReCircle Recycle and their marketer/communications liaison Stuart Chater. What is ReCircle Recycling? Develop closed-loop recycling Indicates the a product can be recycled back into itself  (see example below) Plastic bottle, can be recycled all the way back into a new bottle Same as many other recycled materials Open-loop recycling Indicates