It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

A Tale of 4 Cities with Peter Miller



Peter Miller returns for part 2 of the conversation about cars, cities and personal electric vehicles! In this portion of the chat, Peter focuses on 4 major global cities, and what they’ve done to solve congestion issues within their city limits. He also shares his insights in personal electric transportation, the lack of legislation surrounding them, and what he feels needs to happen in order for positive change to be made.   In This Episode The impact that cars have on local economies How Tokyo, Amsterdam, Barcelona and San Francisco have made their cities less car oriented The risk you take by driving Personal Electric Transportation   “The way to kill a village is for everyone to have a car” “If you take capacity away, you’ll get less cars” “Electric unicycles have not been banned, electric scooters have not been banned, they just haven’t been legalized”   More Afeez! Instagram Youtube Twitter   Rent a Tesla!