It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

The Conversion Of A Petrol Head with Nick Cox



Nick has been interested in cars since he started building engines at 16 years old. After 3 years of taxi rides in Tesla’s, he decided that he wanted to own one and use it as his daily driver. Coming from the driving experience of a Porsche, Nick has been pretty happy with his decision to go electric! He’s even taken to the next step, and is wondering how to electrify his life even more!   In This Episode Why Nick decided to switch from a true blooded petrol head to a proud Tesla owner What turned him away from hybrids Does Tesla have competition?   “I wanted to play with cars. A real, true petrol head” “It encourages you to have a little bit more of a break, which is lovely” “I’m always excited about looking at what the next car is”   More Nick linkedin:   More Afeez! Instagram Youtube Twitter   Rent a Tesla!