It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

Getting Young People Switched On to Electric Cars with Dennis “Kofi” Koranteng



Kofi is joining Afeez on It’s Electric! Kofi is hugely involved in sports, more specially Football. He runs an academy which currently helps 37 footballers reach their peak performance. He’s here to discuss why he’s so passionate about getting young people fired up about electric cars, and the massive impact that will have on the market. He feels that while it’s not perfect, and things could be improved in the range, charging and style departments, it shouldn’t be difficult to create a product that young people want to buy. He also feels that it’s essential for the health and economic benefits that come along with it!   In This Episode Kofi’s football academy and his love of Electric Cars The benefits that need to be talked about when it comes to mass adopting EV’s Where range and charge times create a problem, and is there a potential fix? Getting young people turned on to electric cars by making electric cars a turn on   “The young people will be the biggest market. We need to focus on them more” “We have