It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

An Exhilarating High Speed Ride with Laura Bone



Laura’s journey started with a quest for increased fitness. She started riding a stand up ski vehicle called a Trikke that simulates skiing on pavement. The company electrified it, and it became an exhilarating ride and got her everywhere she needed to go. That ignited a lifestyle change that brought Laura into the electric vehicle manufacturing space, e-charging and even public policy! She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry, and shares a lot of insights on what’s working, and what isn’t.   In This Episode The exhilarating high speed EV called the Trikke. What makes a serious vehicle, and what makes a device novelty How to make the government pay attention, closing streets and implementing laws What California has done to give EV’s a healthy chance   “One of the nice things about the personal mobility vehicles is you get to be one with your space. You see everything. You hear everything” “Can it handle rough pavement?” “If people aren’t riding them, then the government’s never going to