It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

Power, Energy and Battery Talk with Euan McTurk



Afeez welcomes Euan McTurk to It’s Electric! Euan is an electrochemist, knows a ton about batteries and he’s been driving EV’s since he was an undergrad student! Get ready for a supercharged discussion!   In This Episode The car that made Euan love EV’s Rapid charging and grid capacity Public transport is electrifying The most efficient electric car on the market Contactless payment for fuel Lithium Ion, Lithium Air and Solid State batteries   “I knew that I wanted to do something in green tech once I graduated” “Range anxiety has been disproven” “We’ve got something like 40,000 people dying every year prematurely because of air pollution” “Buses and taxis are electrifying at a rapid pace”   Rent a Tesla!