It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

Giving Them the Best of the Best with Funmi Onamusi



Welcome to It’s Electric! The Electric Vehicle Show with Afeez Kay! In this episode, Afeez is honoured to be joined by Funmi Onamusi, the owner of 3F EV an electric car rental company.   In This Episode: Funmi before 3F EV. Changes in the EV market Infrastructure talk, and Funmi’s divergent view Future trends in the Electric Vehicle space Changing the world, a person at a time.   “At some point, your professional life merges with your personal life” “There was nowhere in the country where we could rent a Tesla” “We spent 10’s of thousands of pounds just to get people to know what it is we were doing” “Clearly there’s a market there” “If you wanted to make a difference, you had to be able to make a statement” “We don’t need big, massive changes”