It's Electric! The Electric Car Show With Afeez Kay

Selling EV's to an Excited Market with Lewis Black



Afeez welcomes Lewis Black to It's Electric! Lewis runs an independent EV dealership. He sells new and used Electric Vehicles and mostly focuses on the used EV market. Lewis explains the growth happening in the market to Afeez, and shares that it's a big reason why he's decided to focus on them now, instead of waiting. He shares statistics, as well as experience surrounding the sale of Electric cars, as well as the customer's level of awareness when buying a vehicle. He also gives some insights on why people choose to shop with independent dealerships and the perks involved with doing so, as well as his reasoning for being one of the first. Afeez and Lewis talk about the downfall of electric cars for dealerships, and why they don't push them any harder. Lewis explains that the service centers would lose a lot of money if they pushed electric cars harder. He lists the amount of loss that garages will sustain when the market for EV's pick up, because there is so little that needs to be done to an electric car.