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The Phone Screen Formula for Success | Ep #58



When actively looking for a role, sometimes you throw your hat into many rings – just hoping that something good comes back. But if you aren’t ready for every single conversation, you could end up getting eliminated for roles that would be great for you – or even worse – come across as unfocused and unprepared. This episode is to help you make sure that never happens. Here’s a little formula for how to think about preparing for every interview and the stories you want to share in order to demonstrate that you are a fit for the role. Review the job description and look for what you have done that is relevant. Make a few notes and prepare to share some examples. Go back and review it again - this time looking for your gaps of experience. How can you overcome those objections? Are the gaps things you can quickly learn? Review your positioning statement to make sure you're coming out of the gate framing your experience with the most relevant information when describing who you are professionally. A little prepa