
Busting Silos with Peter Coffee WizardCast Episode 82



As the cold days of November creep upon us and we fall slowly into the dreary days of winter, the WizardCast harkens back to warmer days. Days where the sun was hot, the leaves were green, and we sat down with the great Peter Coffee at MidWest Dreamin' Peter Coffee is the VP of Strategic Research at salesforce.com. He always has some delightful perspectives and stories that make you stop and think. I always walk away from a discussion with Peter both feeling smarter and dumber. It's a very unique experience. This is part 3 of our conversation with Peter Coffee. The first episode, The Fellowship of Peter Coffee WizardCast Episode 76 we talked about Salesforce Admins being the Stewards of Change. In our second episode, Experience Design with Peter Coffee WizardCast 78 we talked about experience design. In our third and final episode from our discussion at MidWest Dreamin' we are talking about Silo Busting. Silo Busting is an interesting - albeit violent - metaphor for breaking down the barriers at an organizati