

On session 9 of the Overland Roundtable, we discuss a topic that we have all dealt with but maybe not given much though; when to change plans.  There frequently comes a time during an adventure that we have to make a decision.  We can either act sensibly or push on and conquer whatever lies in front of us.  Pushing on can be the first idea in a string of bad decisions.  The Overland Roundtable panel gets together to discuss their lessons learned, give some recommendations, and share some stories surrounding the tales of when we altered course...or should have. We mentioned some other links that you might find helpful or interesting.   Brandon mentioned using the Garmin maps to identify public vs private land.  A blog post from Garmin regarding their mapping that would serve this purpose can be found here. Dan mentioned onXmaps as a cross platform mapping product that can also help differentiate public and private land.  This may have been mentioned on a past session by someone in the audience, but its worth