Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

What Type of Boss Are You?



Why is it important to start and engage in difficult conversations? Because without them change is impossible. Nassim Abdi spent 12 years as an educator in topics around diversity and inclusion and the intersections between gender, race, and other identities as they relate to systems of discrimination or disadvantage.  She was later cast in a Netflix-featured film, Secret Ballot, and realized that the Q&A sessions she had were one of her favorite aspects of creating the film. She was engaged and the questions, while difficult, generated amazing conversations.  It was then that she decided to create StoryBolt, a marketplace platform that enables attitude-changing conversations around the topics of Diversity and Inclusion, using the power of documentary storytelling. Stories are what reach into our hearts and demand action. StoryBolt uses storytelling to generate action through discussion and consideration.  Listen as we chat about Nassim’s transition from educator to entrepreneur and why her time in the le