Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Gender and Money: What should your role be?



Gender roles and money have been fairly set for centuries. Men handle the money and women handle the household. Those roles are changing however but women are still falling behind in taking their place in the handling of their finances. Why is that?  Meredith Moore has long been fascinated by gender roles and money and has been working to change the rhetoric for women. She shares how throughout history, women have been marginalized and even into the early 80s could not open their own bank accounts.  This, along with a lack of education, has kept many women from taking a larger role in the finances of their households and businesses. Listen as Meredith shares ways that women and men can be more involved together with their finances and why it’s so important to build a strong relationship. The information Meredith shares is golden. One of the biggest tragedies is having bright women who are experts in their fields be bowled over by finances when something unexpected happens at home. Whether there’s a parting of