Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Can Love and Kindness Toward Others Help You on Your Path?



*We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* When Helen Owens was just 11 years old she started losing her hair. She was sure she was dying but later found out that she has an autoimmune disease called alopecia. When she was scared and being bullied, the “granny” of her neighborhood pulled her aside and changed her life forever.  Granny made wigs and showed a young Helen how to do the same. In that time, at that young age, she knew what she was meant to do with her life. By the time she was 17, Helen was married with two kids and had dropped out of college, but she was not ready to give up her dream.  She worked as a maid to put herself through cosmetology school and as soon as she got her license started working out of her home. Word spread like wildfire about the amazing work she was doing with wigs and her business sta