Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How to Find Joy in Your Work!



What’s the saying? When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life? Laleh Hancock has spent her life helping others find joy in their work and life. She is a leadership and entrepreneurial coach who has spent the last 30 years inspiring others.  Laleh’s early life was rife with change. Her family abruptly moved from Iran to avoid being caught up in a war. This was one of the first times she evaluated how to approach the world. Rather than spending her time hiding away from the world, afraid to get involved, she jumped in and lived her new life. She credits her ability to handle and thrive in change for some of her entrepreneurial success. If you can flip your mindset and turn problems into promises, then success will come. It all starts with having a mind for leadership and positivity.  Listen as Laleh shares her thoughts on being featured in multiple books on leadership, why her work is so important to her, and how examining your mindset is the first step to happiness. She has so many wonderful