Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Twitter and Business: Learn The Power of Building Relationships on Social Media



Do you tweet? I know that for many of us, Twitter seems to be that platform plagued with controversy and turmoil, but did you know that it can be the backbone of the social media in your business? Samantha Kelly, the Tweeting Goddess, shares her tips and tricks for using Twitter correctly, but also why it is one of the best platforms for building relationships. Samantha started her entrepreneurial journey at a very tumultuous time in her life. She’d recently lost her father, gone through a divorce, and her daughter was becoming a woman. It was as she was trying to find some information for her daughter that she realized there was a huge gap in the women’s health market.  She created her first business by building a box of goodies designed for young girls to coach them through those first few milestones of puberty. Samantha quickly learned that successful businesses have strong social media strategies and began studying all about it. This was when she first discovered Twitter.  Samantha realized she’d found he