Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Mama Bird Knows Best! How to Embrace Change and Grow with Priscilla McKinney



Life is all about passion, change, and growth, and business should be the same! So, I am thrilled to have another passionate woman entrepreneur for you this week! My guest today has a story to share. Her story is about some big changes she had to make, and what those changes meant for her professional journey, her entrepreneurial venture, and the overall growth of her business.   Priscilla McKinney is the CEO and “Resident Mama Bird” leading her team of creative “Peeps” at Little Bird Marketing. Little Bird is a boutique marketing agency specialized in branding, design, campaign, and content strategies. She is also the host of “Ponderings from the Perch,” a podcast about entrepreneurship, marketing best practices, managing creatives, company culture, and much more!   Stay tuned with the fabulously cool Priscilla McKinney and learn more about her journey, her process, and how her passion and humility made all the difference in the world! In This Episode Priscilla’s Story Dreaming a Different Dream Overcoming