Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Nancy Lee Sanchez is Selling the Dream of Education



Today we are talking about diversity, inclusion, and helping students and professionals pursue their dreams. Nancy Lee Sanchez turned her own journey navigating the American educational system into a career that benefits thousands of students today. From working in a sweatshop at the age of 13 to earning her Masters from Brooklyn College, Nancy’s story is one of resilience, determination, and inspiration.   Nancy is the Executive Director of the Kaplan Educational Foundation. She has over 18 years of expertise providing greater access to higher education. Moreover, Nancy has been a champion for improving the college experience and supporting leadership among low income, non-traditional, and underrepresented students. Nancy’s educational journey started at Kingsborough Community College. After earning her AAS there, she went on to earn a BA from Long Island University and an MA from Brooklyn College.   Stay tuned to learn what it means to be in the business of “selling a dream,” and just how Nancy and the Kapl