Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

The Impact of Generosity With Wendy Steele



Who doesn’t wish they could give back more to their community? But getting started and making a habit of it can be really difficult. That’s why today we’re talking about women and philanthropy.   Wendy Steele is the founder of Generosity Matters. Through her own experiences with giving back to her community, she has come to understand the impact of generosity and has been encouraging philanthropy for most of her adult life. In 2001, she launched Impact 100, a foundation that brings transformational grants to the communities it serves across five broad focus areas: Culture, Education, Environment, Family, and Health & Wellness.   Hear the story of how Wendy is making it easier than ever for women to build up the communities around them, plus her advice for fellow entrepreneurs trying to do it all.   In This Episode The personal story behind Impact 100 How “stop and think” gifts engage community members Struggles all powerful women face Tips and tools for managing stress The key to making networking more e