Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How to Rethink Your Idea of Happiness to Win the Game of Life



Did you ever feel like there’s something missing—even if you are happy and successful by most other people’s standards? Or you're feeling like you can’t quite be content with what you have, but you don’t know why?   Heather White, CEO of 2020 Communications, has experienced these feelings firsthand. She was prompted to leave the corporate world because of her own nagging unhappiness. Now, she’s a business advisor, a lifestyle designer and coach, as well as a speaker who helps professionals to find new dreams that increase their overall happiness and wellbeing in life.   In this episode of Women Worldwide, Heather explains how she went from scoffing at life coaches to becoming one herself and how she’s now empowering others to win the game professionally and personally through lifestyle design.   In This Episode The highs and lows of working alone How Heather’s TEDx experience differed from most speaking opportunities The greatest challenge of building a business and generating clients How to better understan