Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 03 - Kristyn Kamrath, RD, LMNT



The Story, Journey and Passion of Registered Dietitian, Kristyn Kamrath RD, LMNT “I have an innate curiosity about everything. If I don’t know about it, I want to learn about it and I’m still that what today. If I’m going to speak about something or be asked about something, I want to know everything I can about it so I can be a reliable and credible source.” - Kristyn Kamrath RD, LMNT My conversation today is with Kristyn Kamrath, RD, LMNT Service Leader Clinical Nutrition at Nebraska Methodist Health System Kristyn and I go way back to the early 2000s when we were both newer registered dietitians. Kristyn started with Creighton University Medical Center as a bariatric dietitian while I was working as a clinical dietitian. She has a great story of moving from Nebraska to Florida for her internship, working in Florida and navigating the registered dietitian professional landscape in a very unique way.   So please kick back, relax and enjoy my conversation with Registered Dietitian, Kristyn Kamrath.   Show Not