Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Cam Kashani Helps Women Harness Their Power for Growth



As an entrepreneur, you have more power than you realize. And if you harness that power correctly, you can turn your life around. After her first startup venture failed, Cam Kashani and her partner created Coloft, the first-ever coworking space in Los Angeles. During her four years there, Coloft had over 1400 alumni, including Uber LA, Instacart, and Tinder, leading her to earn the nickname The Godmother of Silicon Beach. But after a trying personal experience, Cam found herself looking at Coloft in the rearview mirror and facing an identity crisis that set her on the path to become who she is today: an expert speaker with the US State Department and now three-time founder. Through her company co-founded with Jasmine Hannaby, COACCEL: The Human Accelerator, she has worked with over 4,000 entrepreneurs and 700 startups, boosting female founders and their products to new levels of excellence. Follow along as Cam shares her personal journey, talks through the importance of embracing your own power, and explains