Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Heather Whaling on Women Worldwide



Heather Whaling, CEO and founder of Geben Communication, joins host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Heather started her digital and social media PR agency in 2009, out of her dining room and at the heart of a recession. She’s grown her company through culture building and policy-making that helps all of her employees to thrive. Geben is an award-winning agency and Heather just recently received the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the Ohio Valley Region (OH, KY, IN). On the show, Heather discusses what culture looks like at her company. They’ve created some interesting "House Rules" which include Embrace the Crazy and Design Your Day. When it comes to Embracing the Crazy, Heather’s team is cool and calm whether they’re dealing with a crisis event or a client's product launch. The Design Your Day program helps employees to work when and where they are the most comfortable. It’s also a great way to have employee select the times of day that they are the most productive. Heather also shares her tho