Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Lynn Palewicz on Women Worldwide



Lynn Palewicz, Assistant Professor of Art and Foundation Chair at Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on the Women Worldwide show. As Foundation Chair, Lynn develops, implements and assesses the Foundation curriculum for all first-year students at Moore. As an artist, Lynn combines photography, sculpture, and drawing to explore different approaches to self-portraiture: the self as subject, the self as material, and the self as creative impulse. On the show, Lynn discussed women in the arts. She shared how her work at Moore helps students to transition from freshman orientation to community leadership. Students are encouraged to interact with their professors and peers through open dialogue while building their skills and confidence, diving into research to expand their creativity. Lynn stresses the importance of learning self-identity and a sense of consciousness. Students also learn creative problem solving so they can graduate and tackle the challenges that face